How To Abide in God

How To Abide in God

A lot of people ask me “how do you stay consistent with God?” or “how do you stay on fire for Jesus?” It’s a good question. Well, here’s the answer. Simply put, you abide in Jesus(John 15:9-10).

You may be thinking to yourself, “okay….. so how in the world do I that?” Don’t worry, I gotchu. If you know me, you I’m practical. So let’s do it.

Flow with me a little bit as I paint a mental picture for you. In modern day society, you’d be hard pressed to find anybody who’s completely fine with being single for the rest of their life. Why is that? Because humanity is hard wired for relationship(Genesis 1:18). Even if it’s just a close friend, you’ll find that people who aren’t in true, life giving relationships with someone are typically filled with emotional issues, mental instability & devoid of anything mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23.

So what does that have to do with abiding in Jesus? You’ll find that if you treat your relationship with God like a job or a chore that you will easily & quickly be burned out. Too often I’ve seen people who’ve grown up in & around church or even people who’ve heard about it from a relative receive spiritual rug burn when it wasn’t necessary.

God is a 3-part person(Father, Son, & Holy Spirit) who you’ll find is incredibly enjoyable if you approach Him like what He is; a person. Not a building or a dark little box where you confess your sins; but a person. You wouldn’t approach an amazing spouse with dread just because someone was spreading lies about them. We’ll come back to that in a sec.

If you want to know how to abide in Jesus & stay consistent with Him: start with making time for Him & giving Him the #1 spot. Just the same as you make time to eat & sleep. I’m not talking 4.5 minutes before bed, I’m talking about real, quality time. He’s a person remember? You can’t create, sustain, & build a great relationship without it. Married couples don’t spend 30 seconds with each other every week & think that they’re gonna have a great marriage.

  1. Spend time in God’s Word(The Bible) every day, because Jesus is the Word of God! You learn someone’s voice by hearing it a lot. The Holy Spirit is always speaking through His Word & it’s up to you to listen( Deuteronomy 4:29; Jeremiah 29:13; 1 John 2:3-5).

2A. Spend time communicating with Him in prayer & fasting( James 4:4; Romans 12:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:17). Prayer is the #1 access point to Jesus. It doesn’t have to be pretty or sexy, He’s a person, so hang out with Him like it(I’m not saying treat Him average, cus He’s God; respect Him.). He’s the most caring person in the world who always has time for you & can also change anything & everything in your life.

2B. If you’re in a loud room & someone’s trying to talk to you, you & the person step out so that you can hear them clearly. That’s exactly what fasting does. (Fasting is abstaining from food or drink for a certain amount of time). It takes you out of the typical things of life that would hinder you from growing closer to God & gives you a hunger to be with Him. It creates intimacy to experience Him clearly. The Bible says in Deuteronomy 8:3 “that a man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” If you fill yourself up upon God’s Word & His presence, you won’t want anything the world has to offer(Proverbs 27:7).

3. Spend time in the House of God. That’s your local Bible living church. Yes, God calls us to be planted in church(Psalm 84:4; Psalm 92:12-15). We’ve been called to be in relationship not just with God but with our brothers & sisters in Christ as well(Hebrews 10:24-25). When we walk together with other Christians we are encouraged, strengthened, comforted & corrected. You don’t have to be a tenured Christian to be in church. If you don’t have a church around you that lives the Word of God then I’ll leave a few down below that you can check out & potentially connect with until you find one to be apart of in person.

I pray this teaching gave you some practical insight on how to build & sustain your walk with the Holy Spirit:) If you have any prayer requests, feel free to leave em at the Contact Me page. Also, no paid promo here but here is a resource to break down & understand the Bible; I think it’ll bless you as well.

Here are some wonderful churches/ministries to be connected to: CMFI, Jonathan Ferguson/Revival Culture, Ryan LeStrange, Vlad Savchuk/HungryGeneration, Fresh Start Church AZ, Kent Christmas/Regeneration Nashville, Victory: A Church of His Presence, Isaiah Saldivar

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