On the last post we dived into just how important your name is. What you call yourself & what others call you matters a lot; they’re either speaking life or death into you(1 Samuel 25:25; Proverbs 18:21). But today, we are going to discuss just how important it is to know that God has a...
In modern-day culture, nicknames are extremely popular; from the music & film industry even to the general public, most people want to be called by something different than what’s their actual name. I’m here to tell you that that’s a huge problem for a reason you made not expect. Rest assured though, I got the...
If there’s one thing that I’ve seen destroy people’s lives, it’s confusion. Not knowing the truth or what is actually going on is the biggest hinderance to anyone’s life, but especially to a Christian(Hosea 4:6). Today, I am going to teach the truth about one of the biggest argument starters in Christianity. What most people...
A lot of people ask me “how do you stay consistent with God?” or “how do you stay on fire for Jesus?” It’s a good question. Well, here’s the answer. Simply put, you abide in Jesus(John 15:9-10). You may be thinking to yourself, “okay….. so how in the world do I that?” Don’t worry, I...
I’ve been gone from the writing pen for quite a while but today, I’m going to address one of my favorite topics of Christianity. The power of baptism. I’m also going to address the fact that there is more than one baptism & why they’re so important in our growth as a disciple of Jesus....
As we come to the end of what has been the craziest year, well, ever, I’d be naïve to think that storms just magically vanish just because a calendar changes. For all of us, we’ve been through the ringer one way or the other this year. But I’ve got good news. There is a God...
Philip was sent to the nation of Samaria to preach the Gospel, alone(Acts 8:5). Jonah was sent to declare the Word of God to the people of Nineveh, alone(Jonah 1:1). Paul had to leave his first partner in sharing the Good News & venture out to nations he’d never been to with someone new(Acts 15:36-40)....
There are some decisions that change everything. Deciding where you will spend your eternity is one of them. Heaven and Hell are two very real places, and there’s only one way to get into the former. You have to give your life to Jesus. When you decide to put your faith in Jesus Christ you...
Doing the right thing is hardly ever easy. Ask Jesus (Matthew 26:39). It can be looked down upon, misunderstood, and even hated (cancel culture). Obviously nothing that we do will ever compare to the weight of Jesus’ decision to die for us, but this week we’re going to dive into what it looks like to...
I gotta be honest. I struggle with being nice to people. Maybe you’re like me and you have a little bit of a “bite” to your personality. What I mean by that is, if it wasn’t for God, I’d be the meanest person alive. Okay, maybe not the meanest person but certainly one that isn’t...