I’ve been gone from the writing pen for quite a while but today, I’m going to address one of my favorite topics of Christianity. The power of baptism. I’m also going to address the fact that there is more than one baptism & why they’re so important in our growth as a disciple of Jesus. So, let’s talk about the differences between water baptism & the baptism of the Holy Spirit & fire.
This is one of the most fundamental aspects of Christianity, but without clarity & explanation it can turn into a legalistic ritual that loses its significance. So let me explain straight from the Bible.
Salvation into eternal life happens when you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord & believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead(Romans 10:9-13). Nothing else. A lot of people have fell into the misconception that you have to be baptized to be saved because of Mark 16:16 & that’s simply not true.
Jesus said in Mark 16:16 that “he who believes & is baptized will be saved, but he who does not believe will be condemned.” Notice that Jesus didn’t say He who does not believe & is not baptized will be condemned. He only says that he who does not believe will be condemned.
Oftentimes people have taken what Peter said in Acts 2:38 out of context as well & believed that one must be baptized to be saved, but when we look at the whole of the Bible and compare it with Itself we see from Luke 7:50 that the sinful woman was saved by her faith, and she demonstrated her repentance with an action(Luke 7:37-38). Also see Joel 2:28-32, Acts 16:30-31, Acts 15:6-11.
Why did Jesus tell believers to be baptized in Mark 16:16? Because as James 2:15-17 states, faith without works is dead. And water baptism is the demonstration & public declaration of our faith in Jesus & our new life in Him.
The decision to get baptized in water saves us from inward questionings & fears about our salvation & provides us with a good & clear conscience before God & is the demonstration of our salvation in Christ(1 Peter 3:21 & James 2:15-17).
After baptism, every believer should be baptized in the Holy Spirit & fire(Luke 3:16; Luke 11:13; Acts 2:38). What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit & fire? The baptism of the Holy Spirit & fire is when God fills you with His Spirit & you become endowed with His supernatural power to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons & work miracles(Daniel 11:32; Acts 1:8; Matthew 10:8; Mark 10:27; Luke 10:19; Acts 3:1-10). Not only that, but it’s where your spiritual eyes get opened & where God begins to reveal to you the deep things of His Word(the Bible), will & nature. The baptism of the Holy Spirit & fire is where you start to become mature, steadfast & dig deeper in your relationship with God(1 Corinthians 2:14; 1 Corinthians 3:19).
Kinda like a policeman when he gets his badge, squad car & gun. He’s given special authority & power that is to be used in a certain way, not for personal gain, but to the service of others. There’s also a serious responsibility & standard that must be upheld when given said special authority & power. It’s the same way for us as Christians. The aforementioned abilities are not to be used to glorify anyone but Jesus, & there’s also a standard that we have to live up to with this power living on the inside of us(Luke 10:19; Luke 12:48).
So that just leaves the question, does it matter where you’re baptized? Of course not! Pool, bathtub, lake, beach, wherever. As long as you’re baptized by a trusted fellow believer that lives the Word of God, you can get baptized anywhere by anyone.
I hope this cleared up any confusion you or others may have had on the baptisms & brought clarity. Jesus loves you & so do I. Be blessed!